Indiana Deserves Clean Air.
A healthy life starts with the air we breathe. On average, an Indiana adult will take between 20,000 – 40,000 breath every day depending on how active they are. And if each of those breaths contains toxic chemicals and dangerous gasses emitted by coal fired power plants, steel mills, manufacturing and processing plants, confined animal feed operations and all of our cars and trucks, our health deteriorates cumulatively with each breath.
Right now, the state of Indiana ranks 49th in air pollution.
Conserve Indiana wants to change this dismal ranking. Politicians need to be educated about the dramatic effects polluted air is having on Hoosiers. Everything from cardiovascular disease, strokes and cancer to chronic bronchitis, allergies, asthma and learning disabilities in our children have been linked to Indiana’s polluted air. It’s time we hold the current Governor and state legislature accountable for both Indiana’s polluted air and the poor health of its residents.

The Facts
EPA guts rule credited with cleaning up coal-plant toxic air
“Indiana approves toxic polluting facility at least a dozen other states would have denied.”
“Indiana has a polluted reputation. Here's how bad it is.”
“13 Investigates: Indiana's Toxic Air”
“Danger zone: Indiana produces 6th most toxic chemicals in U.S.”
These environmental facts reveal the priorities of one party and prove that the 16 year hold on both the Governor’s Office and the Indiana state legislature are not healthy for Indiana.

Vote for candidates who will put Indiana’s environmental health and the health of its citizens ahead of corporate profits – they are not mutually exclusive.
CONTACT the Governor of Indiana
Tell him Hoosiers demand healthy, unpolluted, breathable for our health, our children’s health and the health of future generations.
Email your state representative & senator
Hoosiers demand healthy, unpolluted, breathable for our health, our children’s health and the health of future generations.
SHARE this information (and website) with your family and friends.
Let’s get the word out!