"Global warming isn’t real because I was cold today."
— Stephen Colbert


Indiana Needs a Climate Plan

Scorching summers, snowless winters. More invasive pests. Devastating severe weather. Virus outbreaks. They’re all visible proof of Indiana’s warming climate. Ask any farmer about changes in growing patterns. Ask any Hoosier with a respiratory illness. Or anyone whose home has flooded.


Do Governor Holcomb and the Indiana General Assembly have any kind of plan to combat climate change? No.  If Indiana politicians think they can skate past the climate crisis, they are not just dumb -- they’re dangerous.

Instead of coddling the coal industry, our elected officials should be transitioning our state to a renewable energy future. But no...they are taking Indiana backward. A 2017 law removed the incentives for going solar. A 2020 law makes it harder for utilities to retire coal plants -- even though renewables are more profitable on the free market.

The majority of Hoosiers know better. A 2019 survey of 1,000 Hoosiers revealed that four out of five Indiana residents believe climate change is happening, and three out of four support efforts to address its impact.

Conserve Indiana encourages every Hoosier to vote your conscience this fall. Lawmakers will act on climate...but only if they feel it at the ballot box.





Vote for forward-thinking candidates with plans for to support state and local climate action – which can also create economic opportunities for Hoosiers.


CONTACT the Governor of Indiana

Tell him the majority of Hoosiers, across party lines, support proactive policies to confront the local impacts of climate change. Tell him Indiana NEEDS a climate resiliency plan.


Email your state representative & senator

Tell them Hoosiers demand a proactive plan to tackle climate change, starting today. It’s beyond time that the Indiana State Legislature tackle this life-saving initiative.


SHARE this information (and website) with your family and friends.

Let’s get the word out!