Indiana Needs Healthy Forests.
Just like air and water, forests are fundamental to our survival. Covering over 1/3rd of the earth’s surface, forests perform critical functions such as - stabilizing climate, producing oxygen, regulating the water cycle, reducing air pollution, and providing a home to thousands of life forms. Forests give us a place to get exercise, find food, connect with nature, and get away from the rat race even if only for an afternoon.
Here in Indiana, we enjoy over 4.7 million acres of forested area (which is about 20 percent of the state's surface area). Our State Forests are only a tiny portion of that (158,000 acres, which equals 1/3 of 1% of all Indiana forests). Why do our Governor and our Indiana state legislators allow the destruction of these mature forests – nature’s air-cleaning, water-filtering, carbon-eating ecosystems – in our publicly owned state forests?
Conserve Indiana was established to help protect our forests and keep them healthy for generations to come. We stand side-by-side amazing organizations like the Sierra Club, Indiana Forest Alliance and Hoosier Environmental Council to promote the long-term health and well-being of Indiana’s native forests. Our primary focus is to prevent further loss of Indiana’s mature forests and maintaining those forests as healthy, undisturbed places for the people and animals of our state to coexist.
Indiana has increased logging by over 400%. At a time when pandemics caused by the climate crisis wreck havoc upon humanity. Preserving our deep forests is more important than ever. Let’s put a stop to the assault on our Hoosier natural heritage. Now, more than ever, we need you and your friends to speak up for our forests.

The Facts
Businesses, groups call on INDOT to stop planning highway project during coronavirus pandemic
Yellowwood protests: How lawmakers are taking aim at logging in Indiana forests”
The cutting controversy of logging in Indiana state forests
These environmental facts reveal the priorities of one party and prove that the 16 year hold on both the Governor’s Office and the Indiana state legislature are not healthy for Indiana.

VOTE SMART this November
Vote for people who will put Indiana’s mature forests and public health ahead of corporate profits. Healthy, mature forests and a vibrant economy are not mutually exclusive.
CONTACT the Governor of Indiana
Tell him to stop destroying our state forests. Tell him to speak out against the assault upon the Hoosier National forest. Both are ecosystems are crucial to our environment and climate mitigation, as well as provide great recreational and economic value.
Email your state representative & senator
Tell them to stop destroying our state forests. Tell them to speak out against the assault upon the Hoosier National forest. Both are ecosystems are crucial to our environment and climate mitigation, as well as provide great recreational and economic value.
SHARE this information (and website) with your family and friends.
Let’s get the word out!