Indiana Deserves Clean Water.
Water is essential to life. And clean water is essential to our health – here in Indiana and across the globe. We need it to drink, to grow food, to swim and play in and to wash toxins from our bodies.
Which is why it is so crucial to keep our water supplies clean and healthy.
Conserve Indiana was established to fight for a clean and safe water supply. We rally to educate politicians and the public about the importance of protecting drinking-water sources.
We promote and demand the protection of Indiana’s wetlands, streams, and rivers that provide so many ecosystem services – mitigating floodwaters, renewing groundwater supplies, filtering pollutants, providing habitat for fish and wildlife – and also providing plain recreational fun and enjoyment. And we fight to make Hoosiers aware of the pressing need to hold our state government accountable for the improved regulation of water polluters like: concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and industrial scale farms, septic systems, electric coal plants, refineries and industrial manufacturing facilities leaching and releasing contaminates into our ground and surface waters.

The Facts
Will conservatives conserve Indiana's wetlands?
Indiana flooded with dozens of requests to waive environmental regulations during pandemic
A 'dead zone' is growing in the Gulf of Mexico. Indiana is partly to blame.
IER coal ash documentary to premiere at Indy Film Festival
IPL's Petersburg plant is the worst water polluter in state, violates permit 120 times
EPA enforcement is down while industry violations across the Midwest are up, new report says
IDEM budget dropped almost 20% in the last decade as total state spending increased, report says
“Groundwater of Indiana”
Environmentalists To Governor: Veto Bill On Drain Maintenance In Wetlands
These environmental facts reveal the priorities of one party and prove that the 16 year hold on both the Governor’s Office and the Indiana state legislature are not healthy for Indiana.

VOTE SMART this November
Vote for candidates who will put Indiana’s need for clean, healthy drinking water and swimmable lakes and streams ahead of corporate profits. Clean water and a vibrant economy are not mutually exclusive.
CONTACT the Governor of Indiana
Tell him Hoosiers demand clean, safe water for our health and the health of future generations.
Email your state representative & senator
Tell them Hoosiers demand clean, safe water for our health and the health of future generations.
SHARE this information (and website) with your family and friends.
Let’s get the word out!